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  • Katherine Grace

5 Tips for Staying Focused

Just like many of my friends, I've been homeschooled or online schooled for almost my entire life. Being educated at home has many blessings and benefits, but it also has a lot of challenges. One of the biggest, at least in my experience, is staying focused on the work you need to do.

Whether with homework, writing, or studying, no doubt at some point you've also struggled with staying focused on the task at hand. I know I have! In no way have I perfected the skill of staying focused on my schoolwork. My mind tends to wander, I get bored, or I get distracted by the endless depths of the internet.

I've talked to a lot of people who, like me, also have this struggle! So for today's post I decided to compile my favorite tips for staying focused on school and being productive while also taking the best care of yourself possible. (Keep in mind that everyone's different, and while these are the things that tend to work the best for me, they might not for you, and that's okay!) I hope that these tips will be helpful for you.

1. Eliminate Distractions

This one might seem obvious, but it's really important, especially if you're like me and get distracted easily. Now, eliminating distractions might look different depending on the person, but for me this means turning off notifications, closing any tabs that aren't related to what I'm doing, and making sure my space is clean. That last one is a big one; I find I can focus much better when I'm not surrounded by clutter. And when it comes to mental clutter, keeping you thoughts, notes, and ideas organized is also a huge help.

2. Take Care of Yourself

This tip sometimes gets overlooked, but it's definitely necessary to help you be both healthy and productive. It might go without saying, but you will be able to focus much better if you aren't hungry, dehydrated, or uncomfortable. So grab a snack, a big glass of water, or stretch before you begin.

Not only will it make studying more enjoyable, but you will probably find that you perform best when you're well-nourished and hydrated. Taking a walk in the fresh air has also been known to help focus increase, and some people might even function best after a workout or exercise! Find what works best for you, and don't put your work ahead of your own health.

3. Create Your Best Focus Environment

This might be a little controversial among my fellow homeschoolers, but I personally think I usually do school better when I'm wearing cute, comfy clothes instead of my pajamas, because it makes me feel more professional and focused. But I know people who love the comfort of doing work in their sweatpants or pajamas and that's great too. It's all about the person and what they find helps them do their best.

Another factor that differs from person to person is music. Some people love blasting their favorite vibes while working, and others simply can't focus with music playing. Personally, I like listening to instrumental music, movie soundtracks, or music with words all depending on the subject I'm working on.

4. Don't Procrastinate

Procrastination is real, guys, and it can be one of the most difficult things to fight sometimes. I don't know about you, but I know my own train of thought sometimes spends way too long parked at Procrastination Station. Even though it feels like putting stuff off makes things less stressful, it actually does the opposite; all those undone tasks pile up until they really start to weigh on you.

One of my favorite tips for overcoming this is the ten-minute timer rule. Instead of just saying "Eh, I'll do it a little later," I'll set a timer for ten minutes, and in that ten minutes I will do something like read, watch YouTube, or chat with my friends. At the end of the ten minutes, I will shut the book, close the tab, or tell my friends I have to go, and then I will actually do the thing I have to do!

Another skill I've learned is starting bigger projects way before they're actually due, even if I just barely touch them. This keeps me from leaving it all until the last minute, and it spreads the work out instead of cramming it all into one time period. My dad likes to tell my siblings and I to "shoot the crocodile closer to the boat." In other words, take care of the most pressing assignments or the ones that are due first, and then move on to less urgent projects.

5. Find Your Learning Style

You've probably heard about being an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner, but there's a lot more that goes into how each individual learns best. If you're struggling to understand material, don't get stuck on just one way of learning. For example, if you've been staring at the same textbook page, reading it over and over, and the topic just isn't clicking, find a video which explains the topic, some example problems online, or ask someone for help!

God created each of our minds to be beautiful and unique, and different people absorb information better in different forms. A hundred years ago, everybody was pretty much expected to learn information by reading it from a page or listening to a teacher, but now there is a wide variety of resources available, like videos, flashcards, and more.


Thank you so much for reading! It is my hope that these tips will be helpful to you in your studying, writing, work, or whatever it is your stage of life has brought for you to do. Best of luck, friends! I'm rooting for you.

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